“There is no vocabulary for love within a family, Love that’s lived in but not looked at, Love within the light of which all else is seen, The love within which all other love finds speech, This love is silent.”
- T.S. Eliot
Within families and other human systems, such as business organizations and military units, there are known and unknown bonds, commitments, and loyalties. These loyalties usually operate deep within the unconscious connections between group or family members, sometimes spanning many generations.
These loyalties can have an effect on people’s choices in life, whether conscious or not. Destructive patterns such as illness, addiction, abuse, and suicide are some examples of the ways unconscious bonds and loyalties might express in human systems. This is important in any cases of abuse or trauma and is particularly significant in the experiences of soldiers and veterans of combat who suffer with an inability to resolve and integrate their war-time trauma.
Transformative Constellations® are based on the Systemic Family Constellation method founded by Bert Hellinger (www.hellinger.com) and offer a way to reveal and resolve these hidden and often destructive bonds of loyalty. This work has its roots in traditional psychology, Indigenous ancient wisdom/African Zuluism, Science (the study of Morphogenetic Fields), Family Sculpting (Virginia Satir), Hypnotherapy, Holding Therapy and more. The work is a dynamic and a truly powerful combination of East meets West. . . .
The Transformative Constellation® process brings complex issues affecting many members of the unit, the family or the organization to light in a way that is thoroughly unconventional and often surprising. The individual experiencing the work is given an opportunity to see themselves in relationship to their family, their colleagues or their buddies and comrades in new, unexpected, and transformative ways.
The potential result for anyone who is suffering from recurring, seemingly irresolvable patterns of dysfunction is the possibility of awareness and acceptance that can lead to inner peace and greater ease in the face of life’s challenges.
The potential result for veterans, their families, and anyone suffering trauma and loss is a reduction of the depression, isolation, and lonely suffering associated with post-traumatic disorders. My clients are often freed to connect to a more conscious expansive awareness of themselves and experience a fuller, more satisfying life.
Transformative Constellations® are offered in individual session formats as well as in group formats.
(Read More About Transformative Constellations)
Thank you for your interest in my work. For more information or to schedule an constellation, please call 415-729-5226.