by Randy L. McClave
I sat with my anger on the chair
We sat so long, I felt hatred so I said a prayer,
Then into space I began to stare
Thinking why was there rage and no care.
And there I sat mad and very angry,
To whoever that I met, or whoever I did see.
I sat with my anger now on the couch seat
No one did I want to see or greet,
I looked and I continually felt a defeat
With everyone that I passed or that I did meet.
I was angry at everyone that just said, "hi",
I wished that they all would just instead cry.
I finally decided that I sat with my anger long enough
I was so tired of its lies and its bluff,
Anger made me very weak and it tough
I got so sick and tired of feeling this rough.
So, then I decided that I would try a grin,
I wasn't going to allow my anger to win.
My anger wouldn't give me no relief
It greedily stole my emotions just like a thief,
Then anger told me a secret in disbelief
And it made the story so very brief.
Because of anger I felt sadness and shame,
But, then anger whispered that grief, was his real name.
